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tena talks

Jul 28, 2018

A business plan might seem super 1999 but seriously, having a plan is one of the best things you can do for you AND your biz. Knowing what you want to do, where you want to go and the steps you need to take to get there seriously keeps you on track to hitting those goals you’ve set.


Your Business Plan:


Overview » what do you do, who are you and how you might introduce yourself to someone new

Products + Services » what are you offering (write down all.the.things), what are you charging

Sales + Marketing Plan » how are you going to tell people about what you do? Where are you going to network online and offline? What are you prices?

Market Analysis » what are the trends of the industry you are in? do some research. Who is your ideal client

Competitive Analysis » who are my competitors and what are they doing well? What differentiates you from them?

Financial Plan » what’s your budget?


Where am I hanging out?


The Ten Percent:
