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tena talks

Jul 28, 2018

Today's chat is all about unveiling the secrets to small business success – and trust me, these are the strategies that thriving business owners swear by day in and day out. And when I say "consistently," I mean it's the name of the game. Drawing from over a decade-long journey as a small business owner myself, I'm spilling the beans on some golden nuggets that I've picked up along the way. So, get ready to soak in the wisdom and make it your own.

Remember what Tony Robbins says, "Success leaves clues," and we're diving headfirst into those clues in this episode. Before we dive in, have you checked out that eye-opening Netflix video, "I Am Not Your Guru"? It's a game-changer.

Now, let's break it down to the essentials – three game-changing actions that consistently successful people embrace:

First off, we've got planning. And just to drive it home – planning! It's the cornerstone that lays the foundation for your triumphs.

Next, these business "gurus" know their WHY – the burning purpose that fuels their journey and keeps them laser-focused on their goals.

And here's the kicker: education. They never stop learning, adapting, and expanding their horizons. It's like adding rocket fuel to their success trajectory.

Speaking of success, let's throw some illuminating stats your way:

Did you know that 50% of small businesses thrive for a remarkable 5 years or more? And brace yourself – about one-third of these keep thriving beyond the 10-year mark.

Ever wondered about the self-employed army? Well, a staggering 10% of the US workforce is in the self-employed squad, carving their path in the biz world.

By the way, have you checked out Sol Planners? They're game-changers for planning your success – Sol Planners.

Here's a thought-provoking read for you: "Mark of an Eagle" by David McNally. It's available on Amazon, and it's a game-changing gem. 

Oh, and don't miss out on The REFINE Community – a hub where brilliance gathers. Check it out at

But wait, there's more! You're invited to hang out in The Ten Percent group – a powerhouse of like-minded business aficionados. Join us on

And hey, if you're scrolling on Insta, let's connect over at @tenapettis. Let's keep the inspiration flowing! 

-tena pettis